When are the events?
Events are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in Anne Arundel County.
Who should go?
If you own a business, run a business, or are in sales for a business in or near Anne Arundel County, LinkNetworking is for you. No membership fee or obligation, however we do request that you register for each event so we can get a head count for the food.
What should I expect?
Open networking for the majority of the event with the exception of two quick breaks for announcements at 6:20pm and for the door prize drawing at 7:45pm, so you’ll want to be around for that because you must be present to win.
When you walk in the door, we ask that you visit our registration table to simply check in, drop a card in the bucket for the drawing, and get a nametag. After that, you are free to mingle around to say Hi to people you know and to make new business connections.
Cash Bar
Buy your own drinks, but appetizers are graciously provided by either our monthly sponsor or the venue host!
What should I bring?
Bring a few buckaroos for a drink or three, some business cards, and a smile.
Can I bring flyers and promotional brochures?
You may bring whatever you’d like to personally hand out to others, however, we do not accommodate for a table of materials at these events. People are more inclined to shake your hand and receive a business card than to gather a bag full of handouts. Think networking, not trade show!
Can I bring a friend?
Absolutely. Please make sure that they register in advance too. Note: Please limit attendance to 2 representatives per company.
What if I don’t know anyone?
Great! You might do better in making new friends and contacts than those who only huddle with the people they already know.
Can I eat dinner there?
Absolutely! If you meet someone and decide to talk further over dinner or want to call your significant other or family to meet you for dinner afterwards, go for it! We definitely want to show support to the restaurants who graciously host our events. If you stay or come back for dinner later, please make sure to tell them that you learned about them through LinkNetworking!
Can I sponsor an event?
Yes! You will reach business owners and sales professionals in the Greater Anne Arundel County area. Learn more about how you can sponsor a LinkNetworking Event.